Industrial designer with more than 15 years of experience in eco-design. He has led and developed more than fifty projects related to the eco-design of products and services, for different sectors, and with both private companies and the public administration. Co-founder and responsible for the areas of eco-design and circular business strategy at inèdit, a strategic eco-innovation studio, Raul was a member of the board of ADI-FAD, Asociación de Diseño Industrial del Fomento de las Artes y Diseño. He is the author of more than thirty scientific and informative publications for the promotion of eco-design. He has also participated in dozens of conferences and talks for the dissemination of eco-design and eco-innovation. He has more than 10 years of experience in the field of teaching as a lecturer of eco-design and eco-innovation in undergraduate, postgraduate and master's degree courses at the Elisava and IED Barcelona design schools. 

inèdit is a strategic eco-innovation study ( born from the pioneers of industrial ecology, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and eco-design at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has more than 14 years of experience accompanying organisations in circular economy projects. More than 400 clients have already trusted inèdit's solutions to integrate sustainability into their value proposition. inèdit is made up of a young team that combines research, design, creative and strategic skills and capabilities; a team that believes in innovation and collaboration as a lever to drive change towards a sustainable production and consumption system that is compatible with the limits of the biosphere. The aim of inèdit is to inspire, empower and accompany organisations to help them face the challenges and achieve the opportunities posed by circular economy and decarbonisation.